Appointments are generally only available during business hours. Should you require appointments after hours please discuss this need with your psychologist.
Listed below are a number of crisis services that may be able to assist you after hours and in cases of emergency:
- Mental Health Triage Service: 131 465 (24 Hours)
- Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS): 1300 131 340
- GP Helpline: 1800 022 222 (24 Hours)
- Parent Help Line: 1300 364 100
- Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 (24 Hours)
- Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service: 1800 817 421 (24 Hours)
- Gambling Helpline: 1800 060 757 (24 Hours)
- Lifeline: 131 114 (24 Hours)
- 1800RESPECT Violence & Abuse Hotline: 1800 737 732 (24 Hours)
- Child Abuse Report Line: 131 478 (24 Hours)
- Family Relationship Advice Line: 1800 050 321
- National Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 (24 Hours)
- Lived Experience Afterhours Support Service: 1800 013 755
Your general practitioner or local hospital Emergency Department may also be able to assist in the case of a crisis, as may the Emergency Services.